Women’s Health

Description of Service

We offer a Women’s Health Check program, which provides pap test screenings for cervical cancer, as well as STI screening when appropriate.

We also run a Family Practice Nursing program, which places nurses in family medicine clinics to work alongside family physicians. These family practice nurses (FPNs) help to deliver pre and post natal care and women’s health care for female patients.

Other Services in Fort McMurray

To access a gynecologist/obstetrician in Fort McMurray, you need to be referred by a family physician.

If you have a history of abnormal pap results, please call the PCN to speak with a nurse prior to your appointment. The nurse will review your history to determine whether the screening can be completed at the PCN, or if a visit with your family physician is required.

According to recent changes to the Pap guidelines, there are specific things you must avoid prior to your appointment.

For 24 hours prior to your appointment you must avoid:

  • Douching
  • Sexual Intercourse
  • The use of birth control creams/jellies, or lubricant

Breast Exams/Mammography
Our Women’s Health Check does not include breast examinations. For concerns regarding breast health and mammography, please visit your family physician.

Wood Buffalo PCN Women’s Health Services
A referral to the Women's Health program is not needed. Patients may self-refer. However...
When you next visit your Family Physician, you may see a nurse as part of your visit...